sobota, 8 marca 2014

Come along, Noble.

Moriarty slipped up. He made a mistake. Because the one person he thought didn't matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.

I had a friend once. She called me 'Spaceman'.

Whovian, Potterhead, Sherlockian. SPNFamily, Fannibal. 
Broadchurch, Death Comes To Pemberley, Big School, Once Upon A Time.
My Chemical Romance, Nickelback, Coldplay, The Beatles, The Smiths.

  • Nie wykonuję zwiastunów z Violettą, Justinem Bieberem, One Direction, mangą/anime.
  • Nie wykonuję zwiastunów z gifów. 
  • Najchętniej zrobię zwiastuny o tematyce kryminalnej, sf, fantasy, Potterowskiej, Doctora Who, Sherlocka, etc.  
  • Co do szablonów - tak jak ze zwiastunami: Nie wykonuję o tematyce Violetty, J.Biebera, One Direction, mangi/anime.